Thursday, November 02, 2006

The Bible in the Beginning.

The Bible in the Beginning is a movie that was referred to me by a good friend of mine. I picked up a copy of this movie off from eBay... I'm an eBay junkie!
I'm not trying to 'get religious' I'm simply trying to be open minded and explore a little. I just want to make it clear to the readers of this blog that I'm in to exploring truth and not religion, however, I'm interested in the beliefs of all religions right now because I think I need to see all views in order to make an accurate assessment to form my own opinion during my personal exploration. which isn't that personal, come to think about it, because I'm writing about it in my blog. LOL!

Okay, back to this movie.
I started watching this movie and right from the start it had became obvious to me that it was going to require a notepad, a pin and several touches of the pause button.
I'm going to give my honest opinion about this movie and it might not be what you people are wanting to hear. I'm keeping it honest here. Here is what I wrote down on that notepad...


First god created light... and THEN the sun?

God used the word "we" in the bible before he created man?

God had punished Atom and Eve from eating the apple from the tree of knowledge. If I'm not mistaken we are still reaping the punishment today. Should I punish my future grandchildren, and theirs, for the mistakes that my children make today?

Why did God put that tree there to begin with, just to tempt them?

If I remember correctly I think it was Kane that killed his brother. Even if I'm wrong on the name, it is irrelevant. To me, it makes since that he killed his brother because he was created imperfectly and that he was created with the capability of murdering his brother. His fault?

So God is unhappy with his creation.. so he floods the earth and starts fresh and kills all life accept for that which was on Noah's ark. I have to wonder if all of those people including children deserved to die.

The people that god spoke to were prophets, correct? Noah was a prophet right? Not making a point with that.. just a question?

By the time Ishmael is born I am totally lost and confused in this movie. I will have to watch it again and maybe It will be easier to follow along the second time.

The set of this movie is very dark through out and the words are hard for me to understand, partly because of the accent, and partly because of the audio quality. I realize that this is because it is an old movie. George C. Scott looks young in it.

I think, so far, I'm left with more questions then when I started watching this movie. Why did god need several days to create the earth? Why did he need rest? Why is Gos a he?

Keep in mind folks that in many way's I'm pretty intelligent. I'm really good with machinery, electronics, automation, controls, electrical and such... But, when it comes to things like 'this topic' I'm just a simple minded redneck.

Okay, now I'm at a point in the movie where people are using a log to ram through a castle door. I have no Idea what for and once they get through they shout out the words "Bring them out!".
I'm so lost and confused at this point of the movie that I'm turning it off. As I mentioned up above, I may try and watch it over again real soon and perhaps it will make more since to me the second time through.


There you have it! I'm open to comments, suggestions recommendations, or even constructive criticism if you feel that I need it..



At 7:37 AM, Blogger John & Jennifer said...

Hey Jeff,

Thanks for taking your time to answer those questions. I will have more, but I want to think over your answers and let them run around in my head for a while first.


At 7:50 AM, Blogger John & Jennifer said...

One more note! I'm not putting down that movie. I'm just saying that I have a hard time absorbing all of the information from it. I'm sure that I would be overwhelmed with the bible too, if I were to sit down and start reading it.

At 8:56 AM, Blogger Donny said...

I'd be happy to watch it with ya. Then we can pause it as questions arise. And if you overwhelm me with questions I promise I'll become grumpy and snappy.



At 9:05 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...


The fact that you are open-minded enough to watch the movie is an excellent "first step," as it were. That you have questions is reasonable and certainly understandable. That you seek answers for those questions is a great encouragement to those of us who care for you and are praying for you.

- David

At 11:03 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

Hello John,

I’ve read your blog a few times before, mostly because of your friend Donny. He’s an interesting character, and god knows I love characters. I don’t know if I can be much help, I’m not exactly a “good christian” because I’m kind of pissed at god, but I understand a search for truth.

I see in your photo you holding a woman and she is holding you in a very loving way. You’ve chosen love in your life, and when you chose love you chose god, perhaps without even realizing. The truth you seek is inside yourself and only you can find that truth.

Personally, I’d say forget those books and movies because people who create those things have agendas, and as for those who quote scriptures, if I were the devil that would be my first tactic. Have Donny go over the parables with you. He’s classic lost sheep parable:

if a shepherd had a hundred sheep and one becomes lost…

If you want to develop more questions read the book of Job, you’ll have a million of’em. If you seek wisdom, read the book of Solomon. If you want to tell me to take a leap off a bridge, I understand.


PS: does it still qualify as a fast if I’m drinking coffee?

At 11:39 AM, Anonymous Anonymous said...

I get what you are saying. I went through my religious quest a few years back. I am now Catholic by the way, but not practicing for several reasons.

I don't quite trust the bible. It doesn't make sense. I also have trouble with the worship part. Sure God would expect us to respect him and all he has created, but would someone who is perfect expect us to worship him? Kind of takes away from the kind, loving and forgiving aspect. Sure people can chose to Worship something, but to demand that you be worshiped doesn't seem right to me.

That is just the basics. I have other issues with the Catholic church. Like I said, I am Catholic, but not 100%. See they won't "confirm" me. I am married to a "married" man. He was married to a Catholic, in a Catholic church. Got a civil divorce. The church won't recognize that. He has to go through a 18 month process they call an annulment to verify the marriage was flawed and should have never been approved by the church. The process costs $400.00. So even though my husband is not Catholic, I can not join the church and accept communion because he is married to someone else in the eyes of the church!

It sucks, but since I couldn't become a full fledged member of the church, I have not attended in over a year and have come to the conclusion that God wouldn't want me Worshiping him anyway. Just respect what he has created. Do the best that I can to be a good, decent, moral person and I will make it to Heaven.

And yes, I do believe there is a God and a Heaven. It's just not defined by current day religion.

Hope I wasn't too confusing to follow.

At 5:16 PM, Blogger brad said...


i think that's bullshit...that you can't belong. i just wanted you to know...i think its crap that the church does that...those crapsters.


At 5:17 PM, Blogger brad said...

and oh ya, you can belong with us if you want.

At 12:27 AM, Blogger John & Jennifer said...

"Hope I wasn't too confusing to follow."

Your not confusing at all and thanks for posting.



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