Friday, October 06, 2006

Surprise package!

Surprise package!

Earlier this morning I was on the phone with a friend talking about working out, supplements and such when my wife decided she wanted to call her friend up and chat. Usually she just uses her cell phone but today it needed charged so she grabbed mine. Around 10 minutes later she came in to the room and told me how crappy my phone is, she said "remember how you said that your phone always cuts out and you can hardly hear?" Yes "Now I see what you were talking about, mine doesn't do that". I made some comment to her about that being my luck because we have the exact same model of phones and hers works way better then mine, I guess it's time for me to look in to getting another phone.

We have Cingular service so I figured I would take it in to the Cingular shop in Chico and look in to trading it in next time we are in the neighborhood. The wife leaves a couple hours later to go to the store and she calls me from the mailbox... "Your phone is here... Why didn't you tell me that you ordered yourself a phone?" Um... I didn't order any phone.... "Well it's here and it came in your name to your address, you didn't order it huh?" NOPE!
When she arrived home from the store she had a brand new Motorola SLVR L7 box in her hand.

What really blows me away is that it has "this is only compatible with Cingular service written on the side of the box" It is an open sim phone or something to that effect. Basically all I have to do is pull the sim card out of my old phone and slide it in this new phone and I'm off. No need to activate or call Cingular or anything. The first thing that came to mind was that my son ordered it but after a short talk and a few threats he still denied it. This phone is loaded with features. It is an expensive phone with camera, blue tooth, it even had itunes built in and it's an mp3 player with headphones.
I'm dyeing to figure out where this phone came from because I'm a child when it comes to gadgets and I felt like a kid waiting to open a Christmas present. I really wanted to fire up this phone and play with it's features. At this point I still have no sure idea as to where this thing came from.

I have three guesses...
1. My kid ordered it and is afraid to admit to it!
2. Someone somewhere got a little confused in the shipping department and sent it to me by mistake.
3. I won it from

Don't laugh at number 3 because it is entirely possible. For some strange reason I opened up a snickers candy bar about a month ago and thought to myself "I bet nobody actually takes the time to log in and enter these codes; so if I do then I would stand a better then usual chance of winning something."
I just logged in to and over the past month I have only entered about 9 codes and just to the right side of the entered codes is the prize that you stand a chance of winning. Guess what the very first code that I entered said... You guessed it! a Motorola SLVR.

Does this mean I won? I don't know for sure but with my luck, even though it appears that way at this point, I'm not holding my breath. I'll find out tomorrow and post the outcome here. If I did win this thing it would be a first. I'll keep you posted!

Holy Crap.... I WON! :-)

I contacted the shipper by phone a few minutes ago and he first asked me how I got his number because I googled it. After I told him and asked him if he knew why I received the phone in the mail he replied... "Yes I do, were a shipping company and you won that phone from" Maybe my luck is turning around. '-)


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